Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dustbunnies and some...

Did you know that the balls of dust which you usually find under your beds or in deep corners of your homes are called dustbunnies?
Pretty cute name for such a vile thing, don't you think?
Yeah, and then I think of ladybugs and blobs...

Monday, April 16, 2007

Reality Bytes

There I was staring at my computer screen, Figuring out what to do with the question which flickered in front of me, " Are You a real person?". posting a link would never have had been easier, i had thought.holding myself, I entered the code into the text box imitating the one which flashed onto the screen and clicked the submit button a split second before i realized that i had made an error. I glanced sideways as a new message popped up." Access denied. wrong code. You are not a real person" (OK fine, i made the "you are not a real person " bit up myself, but you do get the gist, don't you?)
Isn't it ironical that a virtual ( read unreal) object tells me that I'm am not real enough!