Monday, April 16, 2007

Reality Bytes

There I was staring at my computer screen, Figuring out what to do with the question which flickered in front of me, " Are You a real person?". posting a link would never have had been easier, i had thought.holding myself, I entered the code into the text box imitating the one which flashed onto the screen and clicked the submit button a split second before i realized that i had made an error. I glanced sideways as a new message popped up." Access denied. wrong code. You are not a real person" (OK fine, i made the "you are not a real person " bit up myself, but you do get the gist, don't you?)
Isn't it ironical that a virtual ( read unreal) object tells me that I'm am not real enough!


Neha Sabnis said...

wats makin u philosophise so much now-a-days.....whts with the profound writings......grow up!! hehehe

well written tho

@niruddh@ said...

architecture is getting to my head!

ClunkiestAtol said...

lol.. yeah.. philosophising + aniruddh .. can come to no good.. :P