Monday, June 4, 2007

Journeys with myself

it is amazing how you tend to sit back and think when you are stuck in the traffic, in a car/bus/taxi/ any other vehicle while listening to your i-pod/ disc man/ mp3 player/ any other music player of your is here while you are sitting in the comfort of the seat of the car ( or the rather uncomfortable bus seat) that you tend to ponder about life and all that. about living life with a different outlook, letting go of friends, and realizing things that you should have probably realised a long time ago.
it is here that you have journeys with yourself.


beverly said...

but u hv 2 admit dat bus rides wid me r sooooooooo much mo fun!!!!!!!!!!!!hehehehehe

Unknown said...

tats so true .....i so understand
its the time wen ur forced to sit in this place all by urself..complete strangers around u.....n wait for ur stop(...destination)
..and its wen u r by urself u think about all those things u never think on a busy day...ponder on matters u shud..its the time u get to reflect, look back into ur to urself(thers nno one else to talk to..),console urself,n sumtimes make decisions.....actually these rides r helpful.....i hav just got so used to it....but i just wish on sumdays i had company ..someone who cud listen...
that JOURNEY ...tats LIFE for u

Sneha said...

dtas y may be they say journey is the destination sumtimes...

Sneha said...

dtas y may be they say journey is the destination sumtimes...

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